The design challenge for 2004 is to carry four liters of water aloft and dump it from the air while demonstrating fully controlled slow flight. The fuselage is constructed from a composite honeycomb and carbon fibre material. The wings are molded carbon fibre, while the tail is built up from balsa and plywood. In order to disasemble and fit into the box specified, the wing comes apart into three pieces, the aluminum tail boom slides out of the fuselage, and the horizontal stabilizer detaches from the vertical.
We'll be competing April 23-25, 2004 at The Cessna Pawnee East Field at Wichita Kansas. Teams have entered from all over the US, as well as Turkey, Italy, and Canada. Some of the airplanes that we'll be competing against include: Monty's Revenge II (Monty Gets Wet) from San Diege State University, Moist from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Rain of Terror from University of California of San Diego, Buzzweiser from Georgia Institute of Technology, ultiMIT from M.I.T., The Leaking Lion from Columbia University, Squirt from Queen's University, and The Spirit of Procrastination from Washington State University.
Wing span:
Dry weight:
Weight with full payload:
Motor: Astro Flight Cobalt 90
Propulsion Batteries: (40) 2400 mAh NiCd cells
Speed Control: Astro Flight D204
Radio Control system: Futaba 8UAP PCM transmitter
This the Yeager Bomber, it really does fly, believe it or not.
Yes, Dave really is wearing a Chucky Cheese Uniform.
The Aero department felt the impact of WMU budget cuts and had to find new means for gathering wind tunnel test data, involving Brandon and some spiced Burritos.
You can just see Steve thinking: Man, this ain't gonna fly...
Dave lives up to his reputation as Duct Tape Dave
Why is everyone looking at Andy?
Beautiful touch down for the first test flight! Captain Steve is a great pilot.
Off for another test flight...